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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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China Finds Willing Buyers for Organs

From First Thoughts

This is ugly: The Chinese sell the organs of executed prisoners and find willing buyers in Japan and elsewhere. China is also beginning to move toward accepting euthanasia, and we all know about the human rights impact of their “one child” population control policy. China’s harsh . . . . Continue Reading »

Good News on Baby MB

From First Thoughts

The Court ruled in favor of the parents in the Baby MB case. Good. This is one of those “benefit of the doubt” cases, in which the benefit should go to life and respecting the desires of the child’s parents. Doctors and bioethicists, however well intentioned, should not be able to . . . . Continue Reading »

Dueling Schiavo Books to be Released

From First Thoughts

Both the Schindler family and Michael Schiavo have books coming out about the Terri Schiavo case. To me, the core legal problems faced by the Schindlers were the failure of the original trial lawyer to create an adequate trial record and the refusal of Judge Greer to truly apply a clear and . . . . Continue Reading »

UK Report: Baby MB Case to be Decided Today

From First Thoughts

As I write this post, the Baby MB case decision is about to be announced. If the Court rules that doctors are permitted to unilaterally refuse life support, it will be a huge step forward for the medical futility movement, that persumes to permit bioethicists and doctors to, in effect, declare that . . . . Continue Reading »