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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Updated FORCED EXIT Due Out in Late May

From First Thoughts

The release of the second update of my book Forced Exit (originally published in 1997 and updated in 2003))has been delayed due to the publisher, Encounter Books, moving from San Francisco to New York. The new edition will be a paper back and readers of the original will find it somewhat streamlined . . . . Continue Reading »

He Speaks!

From First Thoughts

You’ve read me, now hear me give a speech, which I called “Bioethics: Creating a Disposable Caste?” It was presented in Washington DC at the Discovery Institute Washington DC headquarters on 2/22/06. It is an MP3 format . . . . Continue Reading »

Rooting for Human Extermination

From First Thoughts

This is what I have been warning against if we reject human exceptionalism, which can lead to an embrace of radical misanthropy. Apparently, Eric R. Pianka, a (deep) ecology professor speaking at a science symposium in Texas predicted in hopeful terms the outbreak of an ebola pandemic that would . . . . Continue Reading »

Schiavo Still Divides Nation

From First Thoughts

Both the Schindlers—what a wonderful family—and Michael Schiavo have books out about the death of Terri. If book sales are any indication, the nation remains divided by the case. I have been tracking the Amazon book rankings of both books and they have remained within one hundred of each . . . . Continue Reading »

Schiavo: Hope versus Despair

From First Thoughts

I am not writing much about the Terri Schiavo case any more. Partly, this is because most people’s views about her death are now set in ten feet of concrete, and nothing I say or write will change it. And partly it is because there is so much about which to be concerned, that there just . . . . Continue Reading »

A Good Juxtaposition of Columns

From First Thoughts

I have a column in today’s Seattle Times against assisted suicide that urges readers to consider the context in which assisted suicide would be carried out. (It is a rewritten version of a piece that first appeared a few months ago in the Orange County Register.) I bring this up because the . . . . Continue Reading »