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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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UCSF to Try Human Cloning

From First Thoughts

A few years ago UCSF tried to clone human life and failed. This story indicates that they are going to give it another try. One of the reasons I posted the link is that the misleading headline aside (eggs are not cloned, cloning creates embryos), the reportage by Chronicle science writer Carl Hall . . . . Continue Reading »

Ode to Representative Mary Pilcher Cook

From First Thoughts

Mary Pilcher Cook is a Kansas State Representative who is about as indomitable and dedicated a legislator as I have ever met. She is honest, committed, and moral. One of her primary causes is to outlaw all human cloning in the great state of Kansas, an issue that has made her a lot of political . . . . Continue Reading »

A Right to "Self Preservation"

From First Thoughts

A Court of Appeals has ruled that terminally ill people have the right to access experimental drug treatments that might save their lives. Ruling that dying patients have a basic “right of self-preservation,” the court held that experimental drugs that have passed the first phase of FDA . . . . Continue Reading »

The Suicide Senator

From First Thoughts

Dianne Feinstein has endorsed AB 651, which would legalize physician-assisted suicide. Reading her letter is a case study in spin and ignorance—exactly what we see from Senator Feinstein in the cloning issue—as I describe fully in Consumer’s Guide to a Brave New World. And now, she . . . . Continue Reading »

Andrea Clark: The Bigger Picture

From First Thoughts

This piece of wisdom was sent to me by Steven Drake, one of the movers and shakers in the disability rights movement. I agree with his point about the Andrea Clark “victory” wholeheartedly:“This [my previous post] is definitely a cause for celebration, but I think that is much too . . . . Continue Reading »

St Luke’s To Do the Right Thing

From First Thoughts

I have just heard from Jerri Ward: St. Luke’s has agreed to continue to provide Andrea Clark life sustaining treatment under the auspices of the new doctor. Here is her letter:“I want to let you know that St. Luke’s is doing the right thing in this case now. The physician team met . . . . Continue Reading »