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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Brave New Britain

From First Thoughts

The UK is going to permit embryos to be screened for a genetic propensity to cancer in adulthood. This is to be highly condemned as discriminatory and an attack on universal human equality. First it was the disabled who bore the brunt of such Brave New Worldism. Now, those who might not live a full . . . . Continue Reading »

Women as So Many Egg Farms

From First Thoughts

One of the reasons that many pro-choice feminists oppose all human cloning is the potential for women to be exploited for their eggs. This seems to already be transpiring: “an international market in human eggs exists which treats women like battery hens” is being highlighted by the . . . . Continue Reading »

My Sense is Joffe Bill in Trouble

From First Thoughts

I have traveled to the UK several times at the request of anti-euthanasia campaigners to help in their battle to oppose legalizing assisted suicide. The Joffe Bill may or may not get out of the House of Lords, and I could be wrong, but my sense is that the legislation is in deep trouble. There . . . . Continue Reading »

Animals to be Litigants in Texas Court?

From First Thoughts

I have been warning for years now that the animal rights movement is seeking to create moral and legal equality between humans and animals. One tactic is to have courts permit animals to become litigants in court, with animal liberationists as their guardians ad litem. In other words, the animal . . . . Continue Reading »