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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Clueless Oregon Should Connect the Dots

From First Thoughts

This is so ironic I would laugh out loud, were it not so tragic. Oregon is upset that it has a high rate of elder suicide. Yet, amid the wringing hands, no one seems to get that the state itself, by legalizing physician-assisted suicide—sends an insidious message that suicide is fine and dandy . . . . Continue Reading »

Updated FORCED EXIT Now Available

From First Thoughts

The third version of Forced Exit: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and the New Duty To Die is now out and available. In addition to changing the subtitle, I have 11 pages on the Terri Schiavo case, discuss the pro euthanasia movie Million Dollar Baby, and update the field through last Spring. (The . . . . Continue Reading »

Joffe Assisted Suicide Bill Blocked

From First Thoughts

Great news from the UK: The House of Lords has decided by a 48 vote margin to delay considering the Joffe assisted suicide legalization bill for at least 6 months. In essence, this kills the bill, at least for now. Now, if we can stop the California legalization bill (AB 651), it will be a clean . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Rights Grave Robbers Jailed

From First Thoughts

The four, who have been convicted of terrorizing the owners of a guinea pig raising farm and stealing the body of a beloved family relative to coerce the farm to shut down, are getting 12 years. Good. That’s the least they deserve for putting the farm family and their neighbors through years . . . . Continue Reading »