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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Eugenic United Kingdom

From First Thoughts

The bioethics news out of the UK keeps getting worse. Now, according to The Sunday Times, doctors are performing late term abortions because of minor anomalies that could be surgically corrected, such as having club feet. Last year a baby was aborted at the 28th week because imaging showed it had a . . . . Continue Reading »

Transhumanism Conference

From First Thoughts

I just got home from a transhumanism conference (“Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights”)being held at Stanford through tomorrow (Sunday). Among the items I learned today are: Feminist bioethics supports genetic engineering so that men can be altered to have babies and women . . . . Continue Reading »

Testifying in DC

From First Thoughts

I will be testifying before a United States Senate subcommittee on Thursday about the federal role in the assisted suicide debate. My focus will be on the vertical cliff off of which the Netherlands has fallen since it began permitting euthansia. Also testifying will be Rita Marker, head of the . . . . Continue Reading »