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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Stem Cell Avarice

From First Thoughts

This non-story front page story in the San Francisco Chronicle proves many of the points I have been making about our roiling biotech controversies for the last several years:1. The headline, “Backers to Push Stem Cell Issue Across Country,” as if this is news, is laughable. Big Biotech . . . . Continue Reading »

An Interview with Leon Kass

From First Thoughts

I deeply admire Leon Kass. At a personal level, he is a true gentleman. I consider him to be one of our deepest thinkers. I have always thought that he has been unfairly pigeon-holed by lesser intellects in bioethics and this interview proves my point. I advise reading it in full, but for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Harvard to Conduct Human Cloning

From First Thoughts

Harvard University and Children’s Hospital Boston are collaborating together to begin experiments in human cloning (somatic cell nuclear transfer). Their purpose is to try and obtain patient specific embryonic stem cells—a feat claimed to have been done by Woo-suk Hwang in South Korea, . . . . Continue Reading »

Defining Embryo Death

From First Thoughts

A research team from Columbia University has identified criteria for determining whether an embryo has died. I was aware this work was being pursued. When I was presenting at a stem cell symposium in Rome last year, Drs. Donald Landry and Howard Zucker discussed this issue, and I was impressed with . . . . Continue Reading »

Will Saletan and the Transhumanists

From First Thoughts

As promised, here is Will Saletan’s slant on the Stanford transhumanist conference. My article is written too, although I don’t yet know when it will appear. This is my favorite paragraph from Saletan’s recounting, which pretty well nails the scene:“Remember those kids who . . . . Continue Reading »