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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Let Great Apes be Apes

From First Thoughts

The world of animal liberation continues to buzz with the potential that Spain will soon grant human-type rights to great apes. I weigh in on this issue in today’s San Francisco Chronicle, by pointing out that not only do animal not understand the concept of rights, but that granting rights to . . . . Continue Reading »

Huntington’s Disease Cured in Mice

From First Thoughts

Wow. Researchers have been able to stop mice from developing Huntington’s disease symptoms by inhibiting an enzyme that works on a protein, that is responsible for destroying brain function. This is fantastic news and was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell. This breakthrough . . . . Continue Reading »

My "Starbuck’s Cup" is Out

From First Thoughts

Starbuck’s has an interesting program called, “The way I see it,” in which people who are somewhat in the public eye submit pithy bits of wisdom that are then printed on the cups (usually seen beneath the hot cup holders). I submitted one last year that was accepted. I just heard . . . . Continue Reading »

We Need Mass Pandemic to Save the Planet!

From First Thoughts

I give too little attention here at Secondhand Smoke to the anti-human minions of the Deep Ecology movement. Deep ecologists view human beings as vermin that afflict the earth, which many believe is a living entity called Gaia. This story illustrates the twisted mindset by describing the anti-human . . . . Continue Reading »