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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Cathy Young Gets Me Wrong

From First Thoughts

Cathy Young, a libertarian writer, wrote this piece on transhumanism for the Boston Globe, which she launches using my piece published a few weeks ago in the Weekly Standard. Young tries to take the center spot between those who have a “knee-jerk fear of the unknown” (that would be me, . . . . Continue Reading »

Taking a Breather

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smoke is pooped. It’s been a very busy winter and spring and after yesterday’s informational hearing, I am completely out of gas. So, Secondhand Smokette and I are heading to Europe for three weeks. Chances are, I won’t blog, but I will be checking the site and may post . . . . Continue Reading »

"The Catman Cometh"

From First Thoughts

My piece on the transhumanism conference is in this week’s Weekly Standard, but there is no link available other than for subscribers. Here is a brief overview. In the article, I describe how transhumanism advocates obliterating the belief in intrinsic human value and replacing it with . . . . Continue Reading »

My California Senate Testimony

From First Thoughts

It was a very intense but fair hearing in Sacramento today. I was expecting a low key affair but the press was out in force and the hearing room full of both supporters and opponents of AB 651, the assisted suicide legalization bill. Here is my written testimony, an abridged version of which I read . . . . Continue Reading »

Beware of Stem Cell Quackery

From First Thoughts

Another mass fraud in the making in biotechnology—this time out of China. It appears that Dr. Hongyun Huang has been claiming that his aborted fetal stem cell treatments have had amazing restorative powers. But now, a study soon to be published reveals it may all be a fraud—worse than a . . . . Continue Reading »