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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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50,000th Hit on the Website

From First Thoughts

My WEBsite just hosted its 50,000th hit. Most, I believe, are visits to Secondhand Smoke. When I began this blog (HT, Colin), I was skeptical about the genre. But I have learned that blogging is an excellent way to communicate with (a growing) number of people—and to be communicated to by . . . . Continue Reading »

A Concise History of Euthanasia

From First Thoughts

I have a book review of a wonderful history of the euthanasia movement in the current issue of First Things. It begins, “To read Ian Dowbiggin’s A Concise History of Euthanasia is to learn that in more than a century of advocacy for euthanasia, the arguments have barely changed at . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Testing in the UK: Going Up

From First Thoughts

The UK has had a terrible time with animal liberationists trying to prevent the use of animals in necessary medical research. Apparently their campaign isn’t working. The number of animal experiments rose by 2% last year. Obviously, animals should not be subjected to research for frivolous . . . . Continue Reading »

Heading for a Biotech "Dot-Com" Bust?

From First Thoughts

So, my governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, has authorized California to borrow $150 million to fund the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine. This means a lot of money is going to go to human cloning and ESCR, more perhaps than researchers will be able to spend—money that may well never . . . . Continue Reading »