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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Jonathan Alter Gets it Wrong

From First Thoughts

Jonathan Alter goes after Bush’s veto of the ESCR funding expansion bill in this Newsweek column. But he is ignorant about the actual policy, as demonstrated by this line, “No lab that receives federal financing can take part in embryonic-stem-cell research.”This isn’t true, . . . . Continue Reading »

"The Great Stem Cell Coverup"

From First Thoughts

I have a piece in the newly released Weekly Standard about “embryonic stem cell mantra,” and the lack of coverage about adult stem cell research advances. I think it requires a subscription to access, but here is the link (which may be generally accessible later).For those who . . . . Continue Reading »

Mistakenly Declared "Brain Dead?"

From First Thoughts

This story is a bit suspect. It claims that three Japanese nationals were declared “brain dead” in Canada and the USA, but later recovered after being transported back to Japan. The term “brain dead” is notoriously misused. For example, one of the patients was breathing on . . . . Continue Reading »

Treating UK Women as Harvestable Crops

From First Thoughts

UK scientists are offering unfertile women thousands of pounds off the price of IVF treatments if they agree to “donate” their eggs for use in biomedical research—meaning cloning. The scheme was necessary because the human cloners did not have enough eggs to pursue their cloning . . . . Continue Reading »