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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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CNN: Stem Cell Therapies Years Away

From First Thoughts

This is a better story than most about the stem cell debate. Except, of course, that CNN and the quoted scientists state that stem cell therapies are years away—without mentioning that for many human conditions they are already in human trials. But those don’t count. They aren’t . . . . Continue Reading »

Utter Stem Cell Ignorance

From First Thoughts

Is it any wonder that people are confused about stem cell research? Take this article published by Tiscali.Europe, apparently one of the continent’s premier providers of internet services, as one example of hopeless cluelessness. (I bring this up because millions of people may have accessed . . . . Continue Reading »

Catch Me on the FIRST THINGS Blog

From First Thoughts

I have been asked to contribute some thoughts on the First Things blog. For those who don’t know FT, it is perhaps the country’s most prominent religious journal. It is headed by the imcomparable Fr. Richard John Neuhaus and edited by my good friend Joseph Bottum.My work is entirely . . . . Continue Reading »