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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Adult Cells Reverted to Embryonic

From First Thoughts

This research is potentially exciting, but is still very early. Japanese researchers have apparently reverted mouse adult cells into an embryonic state. The research is one area of “alternative methods” that offer a way to heal the current breach (as some see it) between ethics and . . . . Continue Reading »

CNN Admits Adult Stem Cells More Advanced

From First Thoughts

Sometimes the right hand of the media doesn’t know what the left hand is doing. So, while news side often regurgitates the mantra that ESCR offers the best chance for cures, every once in a while the business side of the media reflects the reality on the ground that adult stem cells are far . . . . Continue Reading »

Voting Against Science and Ethics

From First Thoughts

When a minority of the House of Representatives blocked a Senate bill that passed 100-0, authored by pro ESCR Senator Arlen Specter and anti ESCR Rick Santorum, which would have funded research into “alternative sources” of obtaining pluripotent stem cells, they voted against science and . . . . Continue Reading »

Stem Cell Therapies Not Risk Free

From First Thoughts

Every medical treatment has some risk associated with it, even those which are clearly established and undoubtedly efficacious. This includes adult/umbilical cord blood therapies, such as using bone marrow to treat leukemia. Case in point: World famous musher Susan Butcher died recently of . . . . Continue Reading »

Fetal Farming for Cosmetic Purposes

From First Thoughts

There is a terrible story (how often I have to write those words!) in the Daily Mail (UK) about women getting beauty treatments from fetal stem cells derived from abortions, with the allegation that poor women in the Ukraine are being paid $200 US to get pregnant and abort at 12 weeks for this . . . . Continue Reading »

WJS: The Two Greatest Threats

From Web Exclusives

There are two great evils against which our generation has been called upon to contest. The first is the threat of Islamo-fascist terrorism, a struggle that has grown increasingly intense since the atrocity of September 11. The second is an issue of law, ethics, and morality, and is nothing less . . . . Continue Reading »