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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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"To be a Burden is to be Truly Human"

From First Thoughts

This column from the London Times by columnist Mary Kenny is both wise and humble. In responding to the brittle assertion by a BBC host that she (the host) supports assisted suicide, in part because she doesn’t wish to be burdened by her aging parents (which I blogged about here), Kenny has a . . . . Continue Reading »

Equality of Life Ethic

From First Thoughts

At the First Things blog, I expound on how the equality of life ethic animates the arguments of both sides of our most intense cultural controversies. Here is my summary paragraph: “In summary: Unlike earlier societal arguments, such as over slavery and race, almost all sides in today’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Baby Doe Rules Under Attack

From First Thoughts

In 1982, “Baby Jane Doe” was born with Down’s syndrome and an intestinal blockage. Routine surgery to clear the blockage could have saved the baby’s life. But the mother’s ob/gyn told her parents that they could refuse surgery. Jane’s parents decided she—and . . . . Continue Reading »

Equality-of-life ethics

From Web Exclusives

Regarding Michael Novak’s post about Heather Mac Donald’s discomfort with talk of God: I too have grappled intellectually with how to analyze crucial concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, in a society that seems so pluralistic morally that it frequently appears not to be a true . . . . Continue Reading »