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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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I Get Suckered

From First Thoughts

So, I am about to leave for the dentist and I receive this e-mail: (Names omitted)“Hello,I represent a company called [NAME OMITTED] — a company that does what’s known as advanced search engine placement. We reach a network of over 22 million people who are predominantly US based. . . . . Continue Reading »

Human equality and rights

From Web Exclusives

I am not sure why Robert T. Miller is so determined to focus on the empty half of the partially filled glass, rather than acknowledge the portion that contains fluid. I have acknowledged that society’s general belief in equality is not game, set, and match, but rather that the philosophy of . . . . Continue Reading »

MSM Beginning to Pick Up Falun Gong Ball?

From First Thoughts

Good for the St. Louis Post Dispatch (which I have criticized for its stem cell coverage) for running a good story on the Falun Gong organ harvesting scandal. The more this important story is picked up, the better the chance that we can get a thorough and independent investigation of these charges. . . . . Continue Reading »

What "Bioethics" Hath Wrought

From First Thoughts

If you want to see a health care system in the thrall of mainstream bioethics thinking, look no further than the UK where bioethicists have essentially taken over the medical ethics of care provided by the government. Now,in a form of futile care theory, the National Health Service is planning to . . . . Continue Reading »

UK Animal Liberationists Attack Anglers

From First Thoughts

A gang of animal liberationist thugs, wielding baseball bats, attacked peaceable fly fishers in the UK, roughing people up and breaking rods and reels. Mark my words: These people are becoming wild, based on their zealous embrace of misanthropic animal rights ideology. Unless their less zealous . . . . Continue Reading »

Universal human equality

From Web Exclusives

My First Things blog post asserting that the widespread belief in universal human equality could be a potentially saving grace in the cultural controversies of our time has generated a lot of comment, for which I thank my correspondents. Based on what people are telling me, I think there has been . . . . Continue Reading »