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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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THE ECONOMIST Gets the ACT Story Right

From First Thoughts

Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles: Proving that it is possible to report accurately about the stem cell debate, The Economist actually got it right when describing ACT’s stem cell experiment, to wit:“The firm’s success is not, however, quite as clear-cut as it seems. The . . . . Continue Reading »

"Science by Press Release"

From First Thoughts

My piece on the Advanced Cell Technology mendacity and the media malpractice scandal is now up at the Weekly Standard. The piece is about 1000 words, but here are a few highlights:“‘NEW STEM CELL METHOD avoids destroying embryos,’ the New York Times headline blared. ‘Stem . . . . Continue Reading »

Let the Stem Cell Backtracking Begin

From First Thoughts

Advanced Cell Technology created the misimpression through its disingenuous press release that it had not destroyed embryos in its recently internationally touted experiment, although such deception is not in the actual Nature report. Nature is making sure that this is clear with an amended press . . . . Continue Reading »

Media Fooled About Stem Cell Story?

From First Thoughts

Alright, I have read the Nature article and the breathless stories in the media about how the embryonic stem cell debate is over because ES cell lines can be obtained without destroying embryos. I have three preliminary words in response: Ba Low Nee. What is being reported in the MSM and what is . . . . Continue Reading »