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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Three SHAC Terrorists Jailed

From First Thoughts

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) animal liberation terrorists, who engaged in “tertiary targeting” against people for working for companies that dared to do business with Huntingdon Life Sciences are going to jail for 4-6 years. Good. But don’t expect these wild ideologues to . . . . Continue Reading »

U.K. National Health Service Imploding?

From First Thoughts

This is a distrubing turn of events: The NHS is so broke it is going to be closing whole departments in hospitals around the country, including many maternity wards. I am of the belief that we have to find a way to improve access to health care for Americans. But the socialized system, epitomized by . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Turkeys Morally Equal to People?

From First Thoughts

Apparently so, according to animal liberationist guru, Gary Francione. Over at the First Things blog, I discuss this and other aspects of Francione’s ideology. I also point out that, in my view, Francione, while profoundly misguided, is a man worthy of respect based on his integrity and . . . . Continue Reading »

Smith: Animal Rights and Wrongs

From Web Exclusives

I don’t agree at all with Gary Francione , the Rutgers University law professor who seeks to abolish all human use of animals, no matter how humane and beneficial to us¯including seeing-eye dogs. But I do respect him because of his integrity in advocacy¯he doesn’t pretend to be . . . . Continue Reading »

Did Lanza Engage in Science Fraud?

From First Thoughts

As I have deconstructed the great ACT deception about its embryonic stem cell experiment, I have worked off the following assumptions: The paper published in Nature was bonafide, but that the PR that ACT attempted to generate about its experiment was profoundly misleading, as was Nature’s . . . . Continue Reading »

"Chimps Lack Standing to Sue"

From First Thoughts

A little sanity from Texas. PETA tried to have chimpanzees named as party plaintiffs in a lawsuit about the proper care of primates. Before you laugh, this is a major goal of the animal liberation movement. Indeed, in Brazil, a chimp was awarded an injunction in his own name.The point of this is to . . . . Continue Reading »

"The Hard Cell," ACT Wrap Up

From First Thoughts

I have a piece in today’s Daily Standard, which is intended as a follow up to my piece two weeks ago in the Weekly Standard. I recap the incorrect reporting about ACT’s embryonic stem cell non-breakthrough, point out that the walk back on the story has been much more subdued than the . . . . Continue Reading »