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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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ESCR Booster Shovels the Bull

From First Thoughts

Big Biotech is shoveling tens of millions into a propaganda campaign to convince the American people to embrace ESCR and human research cloning. Toward these ends, a new book is being published by an academic house called The Stem Cell Wars, by Eve Herold, Director of Public Policy Research and . . . . Continue Reading »

Oh Hum: More Adult Stem Cell Good News

From First Thoughts

These stories are ubiquitous but I report them here from time to time because it is worth keeping in mind that adult stem cell research is moving forward at a very nice pace in human patients. First, Australian researchers are reporting in early studies that adult stem cells can indeed help treat . . . . Continue Reading »

Why a Man With Paraplegia Rejects ESCR

From First Thoughts

James Kelly is an activist friend of mine who is solidly against ESCR and human cloning. Years ago he was in a terrible automobile accident that left him paralyzed—and he has devoted himself ever since to seeking a method of treatment that will help him walk again. He once supported ESCR, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Michigan Futile Care Case in Court

From First Thoughts

For years I have been predicting that futile care treatment withdrawals will become the next big bioethics agenda issue to roil the public and involve the courts. Now, the futile care imposers are beginning to roll out the agenda. This Michigan case may be one. Emmie-Rose Yannella, a prematurely . . . . Continue Reading »

Texas Futile Care Law on Defensive

From First Thoughts

This is a good and fair article from the Chicago Tribune (one of the fairest of the MSM in my view), about the growing challenge to Texas’s futile care law. The push back the story reports against the abandonment of patients under futile care theory in Texas is very encouraging. (Attorney . . . . Continue Reading »

Fan Mail From Some Flounder?

From First Thoughts

Good grief. Now the animal liberationist nuts are freeing halibut from fish farms. Well, stealing them actually. This isn’t “mere” vandalism. It is felonious theft that is depriving honest and hard working entrepreneurs of the fruit of their labor merely because the crazies . . . . Continue Reading »