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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Note to Internet Explorer Users

From First Thoughts

I am being told that the entry about the “Post It” note is badly framed for Internet Explorer users. This is because that program has divided the picture of the note from the headline. To see the picture and text of the post, please scroll down. Thanks, and sorry for any inconvenience. . . . . Continue Reading »

Italy Says *Basta* to Euthanasia

From First Thoughts

Early attempts to legalize euthansia in Italy are apparently going to go nowhere under the new ruling party. One of the leaders of the parliament has stated firmly that “Reason forbids us to give to the state the power to decide if and when life must end even if the state is asked to do it by . . . . Continue Reading »

PETA Makes Itself Ridiculous

From First Thoughts

PETA is (I believe) the world’s largest and richest animal rights/liberation organization. They key to PETA’s success has been its clever strategy of suckering people into thinking it is merely a benign “be nice to animals” organization, when in fact, it is radically . . . . Continue Reading »

Secondhand Smoke is International

From First Thoughts

I just installed (more honestly, my good bud Colin installed) software that lets me track traffic here at SHS. I discovered to my great delight that we have readers from all over the world. In the last two days, not only have people visited from all over the USA, but also from Canada, India, New . . . . Continue Reading »

Embryonic Stem Cells From Dead Embryos

From First Thoughts

Contrary to the major international front page splash over Advanced Cell Technology’s embryonic stem cell non breakthrough, this story, which could be a bonafide major advance in solving the ethical dilemma surrounding ESCR, only received minor media coverage. Why? In my view, because it would . . . . Continue Reading »

Big Biotech’s Pro Cloning Strategy

From First Thoughts

Big Biotech is mounting a clever—it should be, considering the tens of millions being spent on its propaganda campaign—strategy to keep research cloning legal. Here’s how the gambit would work: Pour millions of campaign and advocacy dollars into conservative states to induce voters . . . . Continue Reading »