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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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North Korea Kills Disabled Infants

From First Thoughts

I knew it! According to the Sunday Times (London), North Korea kills disabled infants and has a virulent eugenics policy. “The latest description of Kim Jong-il’s policy of state eugenics came from a North Korean doctor,” A story in the Times states, “Ri Kwang-chol, who . . . . Continue Reading »

Euthanasia NOT About Terminal Illness

From First Thoughts

Here is proof positive that the international drive to legalize assisted suicide/euthanasia is not really about terminal illness. The World Federation of Right to Die Societies has reissued its “Manifesto.” Here it is in full. I will discuss the italicized portions of the Manifesto . . . . Continue Reading »

Pet Cloning Company Closes

From First Thoughts

I could be wrong, but I suspect that all of this money being thrown at research cloning could end up in a new “dot-com” type bust—only this time with public money since private investors are generally shunning investing in cloning companies. This story that a pet cloning company . . . . Continue Reading »

Peter Singer Supports Eugenics

From First Thoughts

We shouldn’t be surprised that Princeton’s bioethics professor Peter Singer supports genetic engineering of progeny—as he does in this article. After all, Singer rejects the idea that human life has intrinsic value and supports infanticide of babies up to one year of age based on . . . . Continue Reading »

A "Harvestable" Child Harvestable No More

From First Thoughts

We hear continually from the elites of bioethics about how people diagnosed as permanently unconscious (persistent vegetative state, or PVS), are no longer persons, and thus, they can be treated as if they were not fully human. That is abhorrent in any event, but the PVS diagnosis is often wrong, as . . . . Continue Reading »

THE SCIENTIST Defends Bush on Science

From First Thoughts

The Scientist (no link available) has written a courageous article—for this day and age—claiming that the Bush Administration aren’t just a bunch of anti-science Luddites, after all. It is not my purpose here at Secondhand Smoke to boost President Bush. But as I wrote last week in . . . . Continue Reading »