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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Ouch! Maligned by "Dignity in Dying"

From First Thoughts

The UK euthanasia group “Dignity in Dying” worries that “the religious right is on the march.” Reporting on the Toronto World Federation of Right to Die Societies Convention in its Autumn 2006 newsletter, we learn that my name apparently came up in the discussions. As usual, . . . . Continue Reading »

That "Tricky" Missouri Amendment 2

From First Thoughts

Missouri voters are being treated to what may be the most expensive initiative campaign in the state’s history—almost all from out the wallet of one man, financier James Stowers. There is no question that Stowers has done some wonderful things for MO. But now, he wants something for that . . . . Continue Reading »

Scientists and Engineers for Politics

From First Thoughts

The SEA (Scientists and Engineers for America), a political advocacy committee, is holding a contest to see who can create the best internet commercial for “science.” No prizes, though. Here is the pitch: “Help SEA create...change by participating in our challenge to make a . . . . Continue Reading »