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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Cancer Killing Viruses?

From First Thoughts

I bring this very hopeful story up, not so much because of its substance, although it is a very hopeful apparent breakthrough. Rather, I want to illustrate an important point: In all of the brouhaha over cloning and embryonic stem cell research, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that most . . . . Continue Reading »

Secondhand Smoke’s 10,000 Friends

From First Thoughts

To my great delight and surprise, I have learned that there are about 10,000 discreet visits to Secondhand Smoke per month, with people checking in literally from every continent except Antarctica. Better yet, since I have been keeping track, the numbers seem to be slowly, but steadily, growing. . . . . Continue Reading »

More Political-Scientist Word Games

From First Thoughts

In order to win the raging political debate over human cloning, political-scientists have determined that they should stop using the “C-word,” cloning, to describe their agenda and replace it with somatic cell nuclear transfer. This is the mendacious tactic used in Missouri, for example, . . . . Continue Reading »