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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Secondhand Smoke Poll Results

From First Thoughts

For those who haven’t checked, here is the current status of the poll I fashioned to see how y’all read the tea leaves. The question posed was this: “In the next twenty years, what is the most likely scenario?” I gave five possible answers to choose from. Here is how you see . . . . Continue Reading »

An Example of True Humanity

From First Thoughts

This story is amazing: A Taiwanese couple has cared for their unconscious daughter for 53 years. In today’s mainstream bioethical view, this is a “burden” that should not have to be countenanced. I say it is as profound an act of unconditional love as I have ever heard of. This . . . . Continue Reading »

Fox Took "Too Much Medication?"

From First Thoughts

I just heard a sound bite of Michael J. Fox saying that the extent of his symptoms in the ads wasn’t caused by going off his medication, but from “taking too much medication.” If true, and if he did it on purpose, he did intend to deceive. Taking too much medication to exaggerate . . . . Continue Reading »

Human Cloning: What About the Eggs?

From First Thoughts

Kathryn Lopez, over at NRO, has an excellent column on the human egg issue as it relates to cloning and the exploitation of women. The piece leads off with a quote from my good friend Jennifer Lahl, a mover and shaker behind the pro-choice/pro-life/pro-women advocacy group Hands Off Our Ovaries. . . . . Continue Reading »