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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Repeal Amendment 2!

From First Thoughts

Is it possible that voters in Missouri will be given the opportunity to repeal Amendment 2? Perhaps so. Opponents of human cloning, now a Missouri state constitutional right, are apparently contemplating another vote to seek to repeal Amendment 2. I think this is a legitimate approach. Amendment 2 . . . . Continue Reading »

Terri Schiavo’s Brother Strikes Back

From First Thoughts

The Tampa Tribune continues to lash out at the family of Terri Schiavo, accusing the Schindlers in this editorial of engaging in “vitriol” and acting in a “caustic” manner for having had the temerity to try and save her life. In this letter to the editor, Bobby Schindler, . . . . Continue Reading »

Amendment 2: No Mandate!

From First Thoughts

Spending $30 million and still barely eking out a victory that was founded in pure deception; if the Amendment 2 forces thought opponents would just go away, they were mistaken. The political struggle continues to maintain ethics and morality in . . . . Continue Reading »

The Wisdom of Leon Kass

From First Thoughts

I wish I had been able to attend this lecture at Princeton, presented by Leon Kass. I only have read the brief story about the talk in the Princtonian, which I linked above, but even that brief synopsis reveals the classic Kass wisdom. He warns against “turning medicine into messiah” and . . . . Continue Reading »

After Election: Where Do We Stand?

From First Thoughts

The election last night was not primarily about the issues dealt with here at Secondhand Smoke. But there will be an impact. Only time will tell what they are, but here are a few of my initial thoughts.1. Human Cloning, the status quo will hold: The U.S. Senate will still not be able to pass a . . . . Continue Reading »