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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Pleasantly Surprising News Out of the UK

From First Thoughts

Well, this is nice. A UK judge has refused to permit an unnamed patient diagnosed with persistent vegetative state to be dehydrated to death at the request of her family who believe it would be better for her to “die with dignity” than live with serious disabilities. Instead, he has . . . . Continue Reading »

Beware of Overseas Stem Cell Quackery

From First Thoughts

A New Zealand woman who went to China to get fetal tissue therapies for her ALS (motor neuron disease) has died. Allegedly, there was an early improvement and then she slipped back into the disease. This reminds me of the Korean umbilical cord blood patient who apparently got onto her feet after . . . . Continue Reading »

MEDIA MATTERS Supports Infanticide?

From First Thoughts

I am not quite sure how and why I got embroiled in this hit by the left wing media watchdog group, Media Matters, against radio and television talk show host Glenn Beck. But I did, compelling me to respond. Apparently Beck criticized Hillary Clinton for suggesting that the issue of national health . . . . Continue Reading »

Bioethics Think Tank Rejects Infanticide

From First Thoughts

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, an independent United Kingdom bioethics think tank, has issued its recommended guidelines for the treatment of prematurely born infants. The very good news is that it rejected infanticide out of hand: “The Council has concluded that the active ending of life . . . . Continue Reading »