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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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The Bioethics Year in Review

From First Thoughts

The Center for Bioethics and Culture asked me to do a “year in review” kind of column. Space didn’t permit the piece to be all-inclusive. But I do mention the (from my perspective) primary high and low points of the year that will soon pass into history. Check it . . . . Continue Reading »

The Way the Cloning Wind is Blowing

From First Thoughts

Australia has voted to end its former complete ban on human cloning. What is interesting is that this change wasn’t made because of new breakthroughs in the science. There haven’t been any—except with adult and umbilical cord blood stem cells. Rather, it was founded on pure hype, . . . . Continue Reading »

Feed Me 2: "Fool’s Gold Rush"

From First Thoughts

I am glad to see that I am not the only one noticing the ludicrousness of every government entity this side of the dog catcher tripping over themselves to throw money at Big Biotech. Business Investors Daily has an excellent editorial out about the same subject in general, and Proposition 71 in . . . . Continue Reading »

The Flip Side of Transhumanism

From First Thoughts

The social forces set in motion by those who believe it is proper to manipulate the genetic traits of our children, are becoming increasingly apparent. Now, as reported in a column by Dr. Darshak M. Sanghavi in the New York Times, some people with disabilities are pre-selecting their offspring to . . . . Continue Reading »

Feed Me!

From First Thoughts

Remember the play Little Shop of Horrors and the alien plant keeps demanding, “Feed me!” This is now the mantra of Big Biotech. In country after country, state after state,and locality after locality, lobbyists for the biotech industry, their research allies/business partners at . . . . Continue Reading »

THE ECONOMIST Notices Adult Stem Cells

From First Thoughts

I consider The Economist to be the world’s best weekly news magazine. I often disagree with its perspective, but its journalism is usually top notch. (For example, it was one of the only news outlets to report the great Advanced Cell Technology’s ES Cell Non Breakthrough correctly.) . . . . Continue Reading »

Singer’s Utilitarianism on Parade

From First Thoughts

It is interesting that Peter Singer’s approval of a monkey brain experiment is big news in the UK, but virtually ignored here. In this piece, the Independent points out (correctly) that Singer’s approval of the monkey experiment is not really a change, but a different expression of his . . . . Continue Reading »