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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Merry Christmas to All!

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smoke and Smokette have put up the Christmas lights and trimmed the tree. We look forward to a time of refreshment and the hope of the season with family and friends. For those of you who celebrate Christmas, please accept my most heartfelt best wishes for a blessed and merry holiday to . . . . Continue Reading »

Huntingdon Life Sciences Listed on NYSE

From First Thoughts

Fifteen months after being intimidated by animal rights/liberation thugs into not listing the parent company of Huntingdon Life Sciences, the New York Stock Exchange-Arca has done the right thing, and listed the company, permitting it to raise capital. Why the sudden show of backbone? Perhaps it was . . . . Continue Reading »

Terri Schiavo’s Father is Seriously Ill

From First Thoughts

Robert Schindler, Terri Schiavo’s father, has had a stroke and is in a hospital intensive care unit. He is conscious. At present, the doctors are trying to stabilize his condition. Once that is done, he will be transferred to a rehabilitation center. His family, always a class act, is at his . . . . Continue Reading »

Crichton Warns of "New Body Snatchers"

From First Thoughts

Best selling author Michael Crichton warned in last Friday’s Wall Street Journal (no link available) that people’s cells and body substances are no longer necessarily their own, once removed from the body. Scientists can use your cells and blood to conduct research upon, and if they are . . . . Continue Reading »

Take This End-of-Year Poll

From First Thoughts

Which of the following hypotheticals do you believe is most likely to happen in 2007?President Bush’s ESCR funding policy will be overturned.California and/or Washington State will legalize assisted suicide.Adult stem cell therapies will restore mobility to paralyzed people.The Netherlands . . . . Continue Reading »

"Cloning Benefits Oversold"

From First Thoughts

“Cloning research ‘clearly upsets the general public’ yet it has limited potential for treating disease and adds little to scientific understanding of human biology, according to Professor Austin Smith of the University of Cambridge...’Its prominence is out of proportion to . . . . Continue Reading »