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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Ethical Biotechnology Brings Results

From First Thoughts

Most of bioetechnology is ethical, efficacious, and has nothing to do with embryonic stem cell research or human cloning. Here is one such area of beneficial research: Scientists have genetically modified skin, which can be applied when the burns are dressed, to make skin grafts more resistant to . . . . Continue Reading »

Ashley’s Case: Reason for Hope

From First Thoughts

I have spent the last few days doing a lot of media about Ashley, the disabled little girl subjected to invasive surgeries and hormone injections to keep her small and physically immature. I have been quite heartened that other than the occasional transhumanist, while accepting the parents’ . . . . Continue Reading »

Pain Control Doesn’t Kill

From First Thoughts

This is very good news for dying patients and their families. A new study has been released demonstrating that pain control using opioids (narcotics) in end of life care “poses an extremely small risk of hastened death in this population [hospice patients].” The results of this study . . . . Continue Reading »

Good Ethics Makes for Good Science

From First Thoughts

I am surprised and pleased: The story about the versatility of amniotic fluid stem cells was major front page news in today’s San Francisco Chronicle. The story, byline Carl Hall, also had one of the fairest presentations of the stem cell controversy I have seen in the MSM. Here are a few key . . . . Continue Reading »

We’ve Heard This Story Before

From First Thoughts

A piece in the Sunday Times, claims that Geron Corporation will be starting human trials using ES cells to treat spinal cord injury in 2008: “The Geron Corporation, based in America, is seeking approval for the first clinical trial using embryonic stem cells to repair human spinal cords, which . . . . Continue Reading »

Stem Cell Cornucopia in the After Birth

From First Thoughts

Amniotic fluid continues to show great potential for stem cell research. So do every other by product of live births—placenta, umbilical cord blood, amniotic membrane, even cord tissue. As my good friend Richard Doerflinger put it, “Each new birth not only means a new stage in life for . . . . Continue Reading »

Five-Way Organ Swap

From First Thoughts

A reader sends this story along: Johns Hopkins has completed a 5-way kidney swap, in which five people gave their organs to unrelated people. But it wasn’t pure altruism. It was a barter deal. In return for giving a kidney to an unrelated person, another donor gave a kidney to the first . . . . Continue Reading »

Ashley Wannabes

From First Thoughts

The Telegraph has the story of a single mother of a 14-year-old with cerebral palsy who wants her daughter to have a hysterectomy. She is fully supportive of Ashley’s parents, who appear to have set off the debate that they wanted.We are in danger of emotionalism overtaking sound medical . . . . Continue Reading »