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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Ashley’s Case: Getting Very Hot

From First Thoughts

The disability rights community is making things hot for the doctors who took out Ashley’s uterus, cut off her breast buds, and subjected her to two years of hormone injections to keep her small. Complaints are being filed, calls for investigations being made. From the AP . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert Schindler is Improving

From First Thoughts

Here is some very good news: Robert Schindler, the father of Terri Schiavo, is improving. Bobby Schindler told me via e-mail: “My father is in his first week of rehabilitation to help return the strength he lost on his right side. I am happy to say that in the short time he has been getting . . . . Continue Reading »

Should Smokers be Denied Surgery?

From First Thoughts

What an irony: On one hand, society is getting pretty libertarian. We are not to judge or shun each other for personal behavior. On the other hand, this injunction does not apply to smokers, who can be castigated from here to Timbuktu. Add in the growing utilitarian emphasis being promoted by . . . . Continue Reading »