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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Experimenting on Ashley

From First Thoughts

As promised, I have now read “Attenuating Growth in Children with Profound Developmental Disability” in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (2006;160:1013-1017), written by the doctors who kept Ashley a “pillow angel.” (HT Susan Nunes)It is very disturbing. . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Liberation "Helter Skelter"

From First Thoughts

Animal liberation radicals, calling themselves WAR (Win Animal Rights), have declared “war” against Wall Street because the New York Stock Exchange listed Huntingdon Life Sciences on the Big Board. Radical liberationists have vowed to put HLS out of business because it conducts animal . . . . Continue Reading »

Arizona to Have Assisted Suicide Bill

From First Thoughts

This was expected: Arizona legislators will introduce an assisted suicide legalization bill. Typically, the media report states that the opponents will be Christians and Catholics. That’s just the tip of the ice berg with disability rights and civil rights organizations also opposing, along . . . . Continue Reading »

"Feed me!" Part 3

From First Thoughts

The quest for the blank check to conduct human embryonic stem cell research continues apace, as states trip over each other to throw money at Big Biotech and its business partners in universities. Now, it’s New York, where the new governor wants the state’s taxpayers to shoulder a $2 . . . . Continue Reading »

Embryos as Inventory

From First Thoughts

The inestimable Will Saletan explores “the embryo factory” in Slate and, as is his wont, hits the nail on the head. He is writing about the Abraham Center of Life, which I commented about here at Secondhand Smoke last year. He writes that Jennalee Ryan, the entrepreneurial owner of the . . . . Continue Reading »

How Do We Judge Medical Harm?

From First Thoughts

Doctors are planning to perform the first uterus transplant in a woman desiring the surgery so she can have a baby, not to save her life. This strikes me as moving onto dangerous ground where doctors reduce themselves from professionals into technicians. Medical professionals have responsibilities, . . . . Continue Reading »