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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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An Interview with Rita Marker

From First Thoughts

Rita Marker, the head of the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide was my mentor, after dragging me kicking and screaming getting into this line of work. Having read her wonderful Deadly Compassion, I was shocked to my shoes, and offered to give ten percent of my time to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Viability Now at 22 Weeks

From First Thoughts

A baby has been born at one day less than 22 weeks gestation, has survived, and is doing well. This birth may have significant ramifications for abortion law because it reduces the time of viability to just over half a normal gestation period. It may impact futile care theory and the occasional . . . . Continue Reading »

PETA: It’s About the Money

From First Thoughts

PETA has had trouble lately because its true colors have been showing. For example, this little story: Heather Mills, Paul McCartney’s estranged wife, has apparently been cut off by PETA from participating in its work because Paul McCartney’s family wants no part of her. McCartney is in . . . . Continue Reading »

Brave New Bioethics On the Air Nationally

From First Thoughts

I have just learned that my Brave New Bioethics podcast has gone on the air in the nationally syndicated radio program Al Kresta in the Afternoon. (Kresta is also on satellite radio and streams live on the Internet.) This is terrific news. In doing the commentaries, I had hoped to reach people who . . . . Continue Reading »

Eugenics Equals Murder and Death

From First Thoughts

India has discovered grisly evidence of what happens when eugenics consciousness takes hold. In this case (as in China), it is a belief that boys are better than girls. As a consequence, female infanticide and abortion based on sex is rampant in India. Now, a mass grave of murdered girl infants and . . . . Continue Reading »

"Ethical" Fois Gras

From First Thoughts

Animal rights activists have tried to shut down the fois gras business in many paces around the world because it allegedly abuses ducks and geese to force feed them, the purpose of which is to fatten up their livers, creating the richness of the fois gras product. Of course, the force feeding is not . . . . Continue Reading »

Brave New Britain: We Never Say No

From First Thoughts

The UK Human Fertility and Embryology Authority, which has become a rubber stamp for Big Biotech, has approved paying women to sell their eggs for use in human cloning research. From the story: “Women who go through the medical procedure to harvest the eggs from their ovaries, which doctors . . . . Continue Reading »