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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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For UK Human Cloners It’s Never Enough

From First Thoughts

The UK may have the most radical public policy when it comes to cloning and biotechnology in the world. Want to buy eggs for cloning? Go right ahead. Make cloned human/animal hybrid clones? Be our guest. In fact, I have decided that the guiding slogan of the regulators in Brave New Britain is, . . . . Continue Reading »

A Case of Infanticide Normalization?

From First Thoughts

As readers of Secondhand Smoke know, I have been warning for some time that infanticide is in the process of being normalized in the USA and around the world. It is in this context that I found a judge’s decision to dismiss a murder charge so potentially disturbing. Apparently a woman gave . . . . Continue Reading »

Off for the Weekend: Open Thread

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smokette and I are driving to LA for the weekend to visit Secondhand Mom. Chances are there will be no posts until Sunday. In the meanwhile, if there are relevant issues that anyone would like to address here, please feel free to open a thread and discuss amongst yourselves. I might chime . . . . Continue Reading »

NHS: "I’m Melting! I’m Melting!"

From First Thoughts

It goes from bad to worse, for the UK’s National Health Service. Now, it has spent billions of pounds training doctors and has no place to put them due to budget cuts. According to the Telegraph, 8,000 doctors are on the beach without work due to this fiasco. So, the NHS has doctors it . . . . Continue Reading »

The Adult Stem Cell Non Controversy

From First Thoughts

Michael Fumento’s work on explaining adult stem cells is stellar. Perhaps, that is because, of the many hats he wears, one is that of a science writer. In this article in the American Spectator, Fumento explains how the mistakes in Dr. Catherine Verfaillie’s paper that first identified . . . . Continue Reading »

Miracles Do Happen

From First Thoughts

This is a wonderful story: An infant apparently died and didn’t breathe for 30 minutes, but then spontaneously came back to life. After surgery, he is none the worse for wear. The moral of the story? It’s Not Over Until It’s Over: Unless It Isn’t Really . . . . Continue Reading »