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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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HMO Docs Support Assisted Suicide

From First Thoughts

This is one medical endorsement that I welcome for assisted suicide because it reflects an important truth about the whole movement: It is about money and “treating” the most expensive patients with a lethal overdose. Talk about cost containment!Lest you doubt it, the California . . . . Continue Reading »

More Feinstein/Hatch Deception in S. 812

From First Thoughts

I have read the bill several times now. Funny thing: Even though the title of the bill is “The Human Cloning Ban and Stem Cell Protection Act of 2007,” the bill never even mentions stem cell research except in the title. The bill legalizes human cloning and paying women to procure eggs . . . . Continue Reading »

New Brave New Bioethics Podcast

From First Thoughts

In this edition of Brave New Bioethics, I examine the abdication of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, which has switched its position on legalizing assisted suicide to “studied neutrality.” I explain how and why this abandons dying patients and abdicates its . . . . Continue Reading »

Undermining Hospice

From First Thoughts

Euthanasia is antithetical to the philosophy of hospice care, which honors the intrinsic equal dignity of all people and promises to care for people to the end of their natural lives. One method by which this philosophy is carried out is suicide prevention. If a hospice patient becomes suicidal, the . . . . Continue Reading »