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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Dutch Euthanasia

From Web Exclusives

In his book Seduced by Death , Herbert Hendin reported that one reason the Dutch people have not turned against their euthanasia law is that doctors and the media in Holland do not candidly report about the many abuses and violations of the law that occur with regard to their country’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Adult Stem Cells Grow Heart Valves

From First Thoughts

If this works in animal testing, it could be a great breakthrough in the treatment of heart disease. Scientists have taken stem cells from bone marrow and, using a scaffold, engineered them into new heart valves. From the story in the Guardian:Growing a suitably-sized piece of tissue from a . . . . Continue Reading »

Most Biotechnology is Not Controversial

From First Thoughts

Take this story as just one example: Scientists have used bacterial enzymes to convert one blood type into another, potentially ending the threat of blood shortages. There is a lot going on out there that is entirely laudable and has nothing whatsoever to do with embryonic stem cell research or . . . . Continue Reading »

Deadening Pain

From the April 2007 Print Edition

The Worst of Evils: The Fight Against Pain by Thomas Dormandy Yale University Press, 560 pages, $35 In 1983, my father, who was dying of colon cancer, underwent surgery. When I visited him after the procedure, I was aghast to find him lying in bed, clearly in agony, pressing an ice pack against his . . . . Continue Reading »

Let’s Take a Poll About ESCR and Cloning

From First Thoughts

The last several years have been quite eventful in the field of biotechnology. President Bush was castigated for modest restrictions on federal funding of human ESCR and his policy is on the brink of being overturned. Several countries outlawed all human cloning. Some, like the UK moved full speed . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Hits 15,000 Monthly Visitors

From First Thoughts

In less than a year when I began keeping track, visitors to Secondhand Smoke have increased from 10,000 to the just hit 15,000-plus visitors each month. I am most pleased. Granted, it isn’t a Little Green Footballs or a Daily Kos, but I am happy. The issues with which we grapple here are among . . . . Continue Reading »