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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Senate Stem Cell Votes

From First Thoughts

S. 5, the bill to overturn President Bush’s embryonic stem cell funding policy passed, one vote (if everyone had showed up) short of a veto override margin. It also does not have enough votes in the House for an override, so it is not going to be enacted—for now. Eventually, when the . . . . Continue Reading »

Leon Kass on What Makes Humans Special

From First Thoughts

Leon Kass’s piece in Commentary, about which I posted earlier, also contains some very good prose about a philosophical approach to human exceptionalism. He writes:It is indubitably clear, even to atheists, that we human beings have them [attributes of God in biblical religion such as . . . . Continue Reading »

Baby Emilio Gets MSM Coverage

From First Thoughts

I have long believed that futile care theory will be the next big political battle in bioethics. It is generally ignored by the media—which on one level is understandable because the media are news driven—but on the other hand is not understandable because it is like ignoring an army . . . . Continue Reading »