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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Should Infanticide be a Crime?

From First Thoughts

This terrible case of a girl giving birth and stabbing her baby to death raises a very important point. Some, like Princeton’s Peter Singer, believe that a newborn is not a person and so infanticide should not be a crime. A regular commenter here at Secondhand Smoke recently stated that there . . . . Continue Reading »

Belgium Descends to Infanticide

From First Thoughts

It took the Dutch about 20 years to get to the point from accepting euthanasia to countenancing infanticide. It has only taken the Belgians a few years to jump off the same vertical moral cliff. Not unexpectedly—and this isn’t the first such report—eugenic infanticide is now . . . . Continue Reading »

Insipid USA Today Interview of PETA Author

From First Thoughts

I wish I could say that I could not believe my eyes: Craig Wilson of USA Today interviewed PETA biggie Dan Matthews, and did not ask one substantial question. What about PETA’s refusal to condemn violence in the name of animal liberation? Not asked. Are Matthews and PETA at all concerned about . . . . Continue Reading »

Hospice Care May Extend Life

From First Thoughts

This study demonstrates an important point: Hospice care can extend life because, relieved of much suffering by proper care, patients can actually live longer than if they were not receiving such treatment. From the story: “This [the study’s results] should be reassuring to those faced . . . . Continue Reading »

Wrongly Declared "Brain Dead"

From First Thoughts

This kind of story sends a chill. Doctors at a Fresno hospital wrongly declared a patient to be dead by neurological criteria (a.k.a. brain death) when he wasn’t actually dead, resulting in a near harvesting of organs from a living patient. Luckily, the mistake was caught in time. The man died . . . . Continue Reading »

Bush Stem Cell Statement

From First Thoughts

Here is the statement issued today by the White House about the passage of Senate Bills 5 (overturn Bush funding policy) and 30 (fund “alternative” approaches). Agree or disagree with the Bush policy, I think this point made by the President is absolutely true: My policy unleashed an . . . . Continue Reading »