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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Chimps More Evolved Than Humans?

From First Thoughts

It is a continuing source of astonishment and concern to me that so many “scientists” so fervently wish to knock human beings off of the pedestal of exceptionalism, and transform us into merely another animal in the forest, just one of the fauna, if you will. I bring this up because of . . . . Continue Reading »

Trouble in Prop. 71-Land

From First Thoughts

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is again having trouble. It’s president and chief scientific officer, Zach Hall, has resigned for health reasons, while at the same time, its head consultant on funding construction projects has also quit. Beyond these personnel issues, there . . . . Continue Reading »

Euthanasia as Source of Organs?

From First Thoughts

There is a proposal in Russia to permit euthanasia. One opponent. a doctor and member of the Duma, warns that legalizing euthanasia would be a way of “seizing organs:” From the story:If a law allowing euthanasia appears in Russia, the risk of criminal seizure of human organs sharply . . . . Continue Reading »

Doing the Stem Cell Pivot

From First Thoughts

Now that Big Biotech has won elections in CA and MO, and the Bush funding policy is on the ropes, Big Biotech and their boosters in the media are changing their stories. Whereas before, it was about direct CURES! CURES! CURES!, now it is about basic research, which is touted as just as . . . . Continue Reading »

Trading on the Female Body

From First Thoughts

This video produced by my pals at the Center for Bioethics and Culture is a somber warning against harvesting women so that their eggs can be used in human cloning research. Egg donation can lead to serious infections, loss of fecundity, and even death. Regardless of whether one supports or opposes . . . . Continue Reading »

Tune In To "BioScience Views"

From First Thoughts

With the intrepid help of the Discovery Institute, I have just begun a new one minute radio commentary called BioScience Views, that is beginning to get around. We haven’t created a dedicated Web page for it yet, but if you hit this link, you can find them.Here are a couple of . . . . Continue Reading »