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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Another Take on Kevorkian

From First Thoughts

Detroit Free Press columnist Brian Dickerson opines that Kevorkian was just a man ahead of his time. Imagine the “reality show” television potential, he writes, if Kevorkian were working today:How differently things might have turned out if the nation’s first shock doc had waited . . . . Continue Reading »

Reuters’ "Five Facts" About Kevorkian

From First Thoughts

This Reuters sugar piece on Kevorkian leaves out some of the most pertinent parts of his story. Here are five other facts that would seem to be more relevant than Kevorkian teaching himself Japanese:1. The majority of his assisted suicides were not people with terminal illnesses, and indeed, five . . . . Continue Reading »

"Dr. Death Rides Again"

From First Thoughts

As promised, here is the Weekly Standard article I co-authored with Rita Marker, which points up the similarities between Jack Kevorkian’s illegal assisted suicide campaign and the legal assisted suicide regimen currently regent in Oregon. Here are a few excerpts: In 1990, when Kevorkian began . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Dutch "Organ" Game Show

From First Thoughts

When I wrote the other day about the Dutch “reality” television show in which a terminally ill woman will interview “contestants” vying to receive her kidney for transplant, I assumed that the donation would be after she had died. Apparently not. According to this story, the . . . . Continue Reading »