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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Dr. Maureen Condic Gets Her Say

From First Thoughts

Nearly two months ago, I posted an entry about the science journal Nature Neuroscience’s unfair editorial attack on Dr. Maureen Condic because she dared to question embryonic stem cell research dogma that ES cells offer the best hope for treatments, in the religious journal First Things. . . . . Continue Reading »

Terrorist Bombing Scare

From First Thoughts

No, not the one in London: In Los Angeles, where animal rights terrorists claim to have planted a bomb under the car of a UCLA primate researcher. From the L.A. Times story:The FBI and the Los Angeles Fire Department are investigating an anonymous claim that animal rights extremists placed an . . . . Continue Reading »

Pushing for Assisted Suicide on Demand

From First Thoughts

The Hastings Center Report is probably the most prestigious bioethics journal in the world. Thus, when an opinion article appears in its pages, the ideas expressed are definitely in play among the bioethical elite. I bring this up because an article appeared in the May-June edition advocating . . . . Continue Reading »

A Thwarted Dehydration

From First Thoughts

I have been watching this case since it first hit the news in Arizona. On May 30, Jesse Ramirez was arguing with his wife when their SUV rolled over. He was left unconscious. The doctors said his case was “hopeless,” that he would never wake up. The wife moved him to a hospice and had . . . . Continue Reading »