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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Embryonic Stem Cell Patent (Money) Fight

From First Thoughts

Patents. You don’t hear too much about the issue in the ESCR debate, but patent some-would-say obstructionism, at least as much as those purportedly caused by President Bush’s funding policy, have allegedly impeded ESCR.Now, it appears that the iron grip of the Wisconsin Alumni Research . . . . Continue Reading »

Modern Day Slavery: Slaves Among Us

From First Thoughts

Patrick Bell, a graduate student at Seattle University and a valued staffer at the dreaded Discovery Institute, won third prize in the MPA/MPP You Tube “Change the World in One Minute” Public Policy Challenge. You see, the DI and people associated with it, care a great deal about . . . . Continue Reading »

The Joy of Blogging

From First Thoughts

One of the things that is most interesting about producing Secondhand Smoke is seeing which posts generate the most comments. Today, I posted an entry about the television program The 4400, that I thought would generate considerable interest. (I don’t measure the interest of people in any post . . . . Continue Reading »

A Potential Way Around the Egg Dearth

From First Thoughts

A dearth in human eggs and the potential harm to women’s health sometimes caused in obtaining them through current means, has both stymied human cloning research and moved biotechnology toward exploiting poor women for their eggs in their zeal to conduct human cloning research.This important . . . . Continue Reading »

Transhumanism TV: "The 4400"

From First Thoughts

The USA Network has a great science fiction series called The 4400, which could just as easily be named Transhumanism TV. The plot is about “the 4400,” people who were abducted by aliens or future human time travelers, and who are “returned” possessed of super-human . . . . Continue Reading »