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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Coming Cure for Alzheimer’s?

From First Thoughts

Actually, perhaps an effective drug treatment that can prevent the plaque from destroying areas of the brain. From the story:Biologists have developed a compound which has successfully prevented the disease killing brain cells, improving memory and learning ability that was already damaged.The . . . . Continue Reading »

Man With Tiny Brain Fully Functional

From First Thoughts

This is an interesting story that demonstrates the astonishing adaptability of the body. A man was found with a brain only about 25% the usual size, and yet he is fully functional and not mentally impaired. From the story in the New Scientist:A man with an unusually tiny brain manages to live an . . . . Continue Reading »

Murder/Suicides Not About "Choice"

From First Thoughts

Now with the Lake County (IL) Coroner supporting some murder/suicides of the elderly, it is worth looking at some of the professional literature on the subject. It isn’t merely another “choice,” but often is a result of spousal abuse and depression. This is from an abstract of a . . . . Continue Reading »

An Embryonic Stem Cell Fade

From First Thoughts

They can’t blame Bush for this one: A Singapore company that made a big splash when it announced it would soon be offering ES cell therapies to human patients—has backed off. From the story in Science July 2007: Vol. 317. no. 5836, p. 305 (no link):In a sign that hopes for quick medical . . . . Continue Reading »

Tell This to Michael Moore

From First Thoughts

A young UK woman named Laura Price, age 30, has died waiting for a vital brain scan from the NHS. From the story:Laura Price...was found dead in her home just hours after she had been discharged from casualty. The evening before she died, Miss Price...had begged a junior A&E doctor for anti-seizure . . . . Continue Reading »

Good News on the AIDS Front

From First Thoughts

New drug cocktail combinations are apparently helping AIDS patients live longer and with fewer symptoms, and indeed, return blood counts to normal levels. From the story:AIDS drug cocktails may be able to restore the ravaged immune systems of some people infected with HIV, researchers reported on . . . . Continue Reading »