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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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NYT Bias and Missouri Cloning

From First Thoughts

Well, it didn’t work out as the pro-cloners wanted. Missouri opponents of human cloning didn’t just roll over when Amendment 2 passed through one of the most deceptive campaigns I have ever seen, abetted by a totally biased and in the tank media. And, as I have written here previously, . . . . Continue Reading »

Medical Researchers Under Terrorist Threat

From First Thoughts

I have noticed lately that the weekly and bi-weekly newspapers are beginning to do the best reporting, particularly in areas which the MSM ignore (such as this assisted suicide story from Oregon) or to which, they give too short shrift. This story about the terrorist harassment of two UCLA medical . . . . Continue Reading »

The Magnificent Tony Snow

From First Thoughts

I am honored to call Tony Snow friend. We began our relationship several years ago when he called one day to speak about bioethical issues. Our friendship warmed when I appeared on his syndicated radio program, and has continued, his time permitting, after his appointment as the Press Secretary to . . . . Continue Reading »

Desperate to Clone: Reward Offered

From First Thoughts

Human cloning is very hard to do, apparently. Indeed, despite the race to win a Nobel Prize by creating the first embryonic stem cells from cloned embryos, I only know of one experiment that seems to have resulted in the creation of cloned human embryos that reached the one week stage—and even . . . . Continue Reading »

"Killed for Organs?" Update

From First Thoughts

The terrible story of the physician indicted for allegedly attempting to hasten the death of a disabled dying patient named Ruben Navarro in order to be able to harvest his organs—about which I first wrote a few days ago— is being fleshed out by the local media. As I suspected, the case . . . . Continue Reading »

More on the Vick Dog Fighting Case

From First Thoughts

I have a piece in today’s Rocky Mountain News about the Vick case, entitled, “Vick Charges Speak to Our Humanity.” It is pretty succinct. Here is an excerpt:People are outraged at this scandal, and rightly so. But few are asking why, exactly, we are so upset. For example, do we . . . . Continue Reading »