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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Pictures From Italy

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smokette once insisted that I “get a hobby” so that I would find ways to relax. I began to shoot photographs. Here are a few I am pleased with from our recent sojourn in Italy that I share for your (I hope) enjoyment.This is a shot in Rome taken from just above the Forum to . . . . Continue Reading »

Adult Stem Cells in the News

From First Thoughts

Whilst I have been sojourning in the land of incredible pasta, a lot has been happening on the adult stem cell front. In order to catch up, I’ll just include a few links and let those of you who are interested follow where they lead:- Bone marrow stem cells appear to have helped save a German . . . . Continue Reading »

Young Woman Charged With Killing Newborn

From First Thoughts

Awful stories such as this one pop up from time to time: A Pittsburgh woman gave birth and is charged with killing her newborn daughter minutes after she was born:“The defendant made no attempt to seek medical care and even went so far as to deny to medical personnel that she had even given . . . . Continue Reading »

A Not So New Kind of Suicide Hotline

From First Thoughts

Not to prevent suicide, but to help you learn how to do the deed: A new how-to-commit-suicide hot line, er “counseling” service brought to you from the zealots at Compassion and Choices (formerly Hemlock Society). Typically in efforts such as this, the suicide promoters always try to . . . . Continue Reading »

Much Happening While I Am Gone

From First Thoughts

Buena serra from bella Tuscana. I have noticed that much has been happening with the issues we cover. In Brave New Britain, the “we never say no” regulators have approved human-animal cloned chimera embryos and are offering women half off of IVF to “donate” their eggs for use . . . . Continue Reading »

Time Out

From First Thoughts

Secondhand Smokette and I are taking our younger Secondhand Niece to Italy for a two week sojourn and a badly needed rest. It will be a busy fall, with work progressing on my animal rights book, articles to write, and an active speaking schedule. Time to recharge the batteries, eat some pasta, drink . . . . Continue Reading »