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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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For Big Biotech It is Never Enough

From First Thoughts

Oh, the whining. Massachusetts has funded and permitted human SCNT, but it forbids the buying and selling of human eggs for biological research. This has apparently brought research into human cloning to a halt because women aren’t particularly interested in risking their lives, fecundity, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Desperate to Make Chimps Human

From First Thoughts

As I write my book about the animal rights movement, I have noticed a crescendo of advocacy, er, studies, that seek to make chimps seem more human, the point—sometimes explicitly stated—to destroy human exceptionalism.Along these lines is this “study” that claims chimps make . . . . Continue Reading »

Gene Manipulation Wins a Nobel Prize

From First Thoughts

One of the primary purposes behind ESCR and human cloning research, in my view, is to eventually genetically engineer human progeny. Such research is now in its very early stages. But I think this Nobel Prize is an indicator of where things are heading. From the story: The three scientists were . . . . Continue Reading »