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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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60 MINUTES Good Program on "Awakenings"

From First Thoughts

60 Minutes and Anderson Cooper did a good job tonight on the hope that now clearly exists for at least some patients in a minimally conscious state. The show focused on the Ambien awakenings, which we have discussed here many times at SHS and in my articles. I was also pleased to note that Anderson . . . . Continue Reading »

"Balance" in the Assisted Suicide Debate

From First Thoughts

The Canadian television show, “The Verdict” which featured my good friend, Mark Pickup in the third segment, is so typical of the pro assisted suicide public affairs media explorations of the issue. First, notice how the question is posed:Are Canadian laws robbing people of the right to . . . . Continue Reading »

UK Circus Animals Not Mistreated

From First Thoughts

Animal liberationists are ever about the task of impeding any and all uses of animals for any human purpose. One target here and abroad is entertainment, particularly circuses, based on the claim that circuses abuse their animals. This is a dubious assertion, given that healthy animals are needed . . . . Continue Reading »