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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Frivolous PETA Complaint Rejected

From First Thoughts

I reported here a few weeks ago that PETA had filed a complaint with the federal government against the Oregon National Primate Research Center, claiming abuses of the animals. I wrote then that I believed the claim would prove to be unmeritorious, as many (but alas, not all) of PETA’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Young Chimps Have Great Memory

From First Thoughts

Much is being made of the report that a 7-year-old chimp beat college students in quick memory tests of number patterns. This doesn’t affect human exceptionalism, in my view. What makes us special goes far deeper than memory capacities.But it also may be less than meets the eye. As we know . . . . Continue Reading »

Permit Marijuana to be Prescribed

From First Thoughts

This column in today’s San Francisco Chronicle is a bit of a change of pace for me. I urge that marijuana be removed from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act—meaning no legitimate use—and changed to Schedule II or III—which would permit doctors to prescribe it. (I . . . . Continue Reading »