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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Too Many of Us Live in Cities

From First Thoughts

I’m sorry, this is a trivial matter, really, but it just set me off. The below quoted letter to the editor—reacting to a story about a man who shot a cat to keep it from killing an endangered bird— was published in today’s New York Times Magazine:I read Bruce Barcott’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Something is Going Very Wrong in Healthcare

From First Thoughts

I am regularly contacted by families who believe their loved ones have been terribly mistreated in hospitals. Sometimes, it is clearly a misunderstanding and I try to set their minds at ease. At other times, the story seems to be an egregious abuse but there is little I can do. On those occasions, I . . . . Continue Reading »

"Terri’s Day" Established

From First Thoughts

The Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation and Priests for Life have announced the establishment of “Terri’s Day.” From the story:The Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation and Priests for Life jointly announced that “Terri’s Day” will advocate for people in situations . . . . Continue Reading »

My Predictions for 2008

From First Thoughts

Each year the Center for Bioethics and Culture asks me to predict what will happen in the next 12 months regarding the major bioethical and biotechnological controversies of the day. So, I put on my Carnac the Magnificent hat and predicted away. It is worth noting that my expectations were affected . . . . Continue Reading »

Futile Care Case in Canada

From First Thoughts

When I was in Toronto recently at the international anti-euthanasia conference, I focused my speech on the looming threat of Futile Care Theory as the next big bioethical controversy. And already, I am proved prescient. A Canadian hospital is trying to force an elderly man off of a respirator and . . . . Continue Reading »