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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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The Hospitalist Movement is Here to Stay

From First Thoughts

Once, when patients were hospitalized, their own doctors would follow and coordinate the care provided by whatever specialist was needed. But economics, the desire to reduce the length of hospital stays, and the unique challenges of providing hospitalized care led to the development of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Beware of Stem Cell Quackery

From First Thoughts

I sometimes hear from people with serious illnesses telling me they are thinking about getting stem cell treatments from non reliable sources. I always urge them not to and be careful. Here is one reason why: A woman is being jailed for falsely promising to cure Lou Gehrig’s disease with stem . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Rights Criminal Pleads Guilty

From First Thoughts

Rodney Coronado is one of the more dangerous animal rights thugs in the country who was previously imprisoned for committing arson “for the animals.” Well, it looks like he is going to the hoosegow again, having entered into a plea bargain with prosecutors. From the story:A well-known . . . . Continue Reading »