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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Pulling a Feeding Tube from a 16-Year-Old?

From First Thoughts

This is a terribly tragic case: Javona Peters has been diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state (a terrible name for a diagnosis, the only one I know of which contains a pejorative, a derivation of the V word). She became unconscious less than three months ago, and so the diagnosis seems . . . . Continue Reading »

Merry Christmas!

From First Thoughts

To all the friends and adversaries of SHS, please accept my heartfelt best wishes for the best of the Season. Sometimes, it can seem that all is strife and madness. But while in many ways we live in the best of times, it is all too easy to forget that it certainly isn’t the worst of times. . . . . Continue Reading »

PETA: Tax Meat!

From First Thoughts

I cannot stomach PETA’s ideology—views symbolized by the disgusting comic book aimed at kids depicted here—but I sit in awe at its leaders’ propaganda and advocacy skills. They never miss a chance to get their message out. Now, they urge that meat be taxed to reduce global . . . . Continue Reading »