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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Slimy Dr. Phil

From First Thoughts

I have been stewing over this story for days. Brittany Spears is in extreme danger of becoming the next Anna Nichole Smith and Dr. Phil, the television psychologist tried to make hay out of it for his personal aggrandizement and headline generation. First, he goes to visit her in the hospital. But . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Rights Thugs Win in the Netherlands

From First Thoughts

Why would animal rights thugs act better when being threatening to hurt people wins battles? Like in the Netherlands recently, when a plan to build a science park was immediately abandoned when the thugs began to threaten direct action. From the story:Threats by animal rights activists have led to a . . . . Continue Reading »

Are We Too Fat or Too Skinny?

From First Thoughts

First we were warned that we are becoming an obese society, indeed, that we are drowning in our own fat. Of course, that means we have adult stem cells to spare, but never mind: The fat police are so concerned that some say obese people should be denied certain medical treatments.But now, . . . . Continue Reading »

Mass Murder of Rats in India!

From First Thoughts

This is a reality check: Oh, how the animal liberationists must be writhing in anguish and grief about this story from India. It seems a tribe of lowest caste Indians is making a decent living killing rats to protect the crops of local farms:In this impoverished tribal belt in southern Tamil Nadu . . . . Continue Reading »

Humanism as Cluelessness

From First Thoughts

Professor Robert Edwards, the creator of IVF, was featured recently in a newspaper profile. The results demonstrate—as we have discussed here previously about James Watson—that being a brilliant scientist does not necessarily translate into the ability to engage in sound moral reasoning. . . . . Continue Reading »

Marketing Transhumanism

From First Thoughts

I received a solicitation by e-mail because of my “interest” in transhumanism from the “Terasem Movement Foundation” offering a Web site that will—for free:...preserve one’s individual consciousness so that it remains viable for possible uploading with . . . . Continue Reading »